The chief task of parents is to raise their children to become good parents.


The winners of war write history, while the writers of history win wars.


Truth must be conveyed and received properly in order to remain truth.


Science is the behavioral study of God.


It does no good to be higher class than everyone around you if you're the only one who can appreciate it.


Who you are determines what you do, yet you are defined by your actions.


One is capable of understanding love only to the extent that one is capable of loving.


Don't expect other people to be just like you. You'll be disappointed when they're not. And more so when they are.


Miracles are God's response to scientists who think they've figured Him out.


Most people are incapable of expecting better things from others than they are capable of achieving themselves.


We often consider the personal costs associated with winning, but we rarely include the sometimes deeply personal cost to us when our adversary loses. This is especially true when we have a personal stake in the well-being of our adversary, such as a friend or family member.


That worm had good taste.


The primary objective of securities investing is to make as much money as quickly as possible in a manner that is consistent with one's resources and risk tolerance.


When you get to heaven you can expect to receive two surprises. First, you'll be very surprised by the presence of certain people who you did not expect to be there. Second, you'll be very surprised by the absence of certain others. If you only get one surprise after you die... well, I've got some bad news for you.


It is perfect which completely satisfies the intentions of its creator.


Half-Truth bombs pack a whole lot more kilotons than Whole-Lie bombs.


What is time, but a measure of decay?


Fundamental analysis of stocks is an attempt to determine what the stock price should be. Technical analysis of stocks attempts to determine what the stock price will be.


Most people have a reasonable sense of justice. Problems arise, however, because few truly comprehend the consequences of many crimes.


Just because people don't see eye to eye doesn't mean they have to be at each other's throats.


Not everything worth wanting is also worth having.


Be humble when someone puts you at the center of their world.


Everyone has a god. Who's yours?


Marriage is one of the most humbling experiences life has to offer.


Mindful of our own inadequacy, we mix our own poison and drink it heartily!


Explanation is not justification!


The opportunity most often missed is the opportunity to wait for the best opportunity.


Repetition is the foundation of communication.


A road makes it easy to get from here to there; a bridge makes it possible.


Don't laugh unless you intend to share.


When an expense falls in the forest, but an accountant can't associate it with a line item, was any money spent?


How can we reach for the Heavens when we reduce all things to lowest terms?


"Love" is the desire one has and the action one takes to be unified with someone or something.


God won't dance to your tune. But He'll be more than happy to dance with you.


Do you believe that slavery has been abolished from our society? Tell me the symptoms of slavery, and I'll show you the afflicted 'round about.


Wow! This God talks!
- attributed to Abraham, patriarch of the Hebrews


Somebody say they don't like cerises (cherries)... Do they honest?
- Trinh Umfleet


Sure, I know where I'm coming from and where I'm going to. It's all that stuff in the middle, though, that has me confused.


The God of the Bible is consistently surprising, yet surprisingly consistent.


Why is it that when I search for something I always find it in the last place I look?


Sin is not limited to distinctions between charity and malice, but extends to right and wrong relationships between ourselves and God, and between ourselves and other people.


Sin is anything about you that renders you unfit to stand in the presence of Holy God.


To do nothing wrong is yet a great distance from doing anything right.


Patterns are the foundation of learning.


Possibly humankind's only skill that exceeds our ability to recognize complex patterns is our ability to imagine patterns where none exist.


Too many questions, and only one me.


Love, joy, and peace to all… who think like I do and do what I say.
- From "The Tyrant's Handbook", first published thousands of years ago, updated annually.


The ultimate in business efficiency is barely distinguishable from... well, bad business.


Wife say, like God say.
- Trinh Umfleet


I see. How do I help others to see, who wish to remain unseeing?


Democracy is a very useful tool for governing relationships among humans. But it is entirely inappropriate for guiding relationships between humans and God.


The line between good and evil, between right and wrong, between life and death, is often blurred or hidden. So whenever you see it, or wherever you believe it may lie, stay far from the line!


The clouds of human perception obscure not only the future, but the present as well as the past.


Faith is NOT about believing in spite of sound evidence to the contrary. It is about grace that allows us to believe what we have not directly observed.


How often have you been asked the question, "Do you want to live, or die?" Truly, many of us have not faced that question during our entire life. But we are daily faced with the question, "Do you want to live better, or worse?"


Truth always comes as part of a package, typically wrapped untidily.


If you are adamant about anything, firmly convinced of anything, passionate about anything, then you act in reverence to your value system. If you are adamant about nothing, convinced of nothing, passionate about nothing, then you are inhuman, and hence not a part of any discussion of God.


Your passions are the symptoms of your value system.


Pity the poor atheist, who can never be proved correct.


The grief of wisdom is the recognition of folly.


Don't demand justice for all while expecting mercy only for yourself.


Socialism is a form of government that is either forced upon a people by totalitarian rulers, or requested by a people who have lost all hope. Once requested, it is forever forced.


When you voted for government programs to help the poor, do you realize what you did? You voted for the government to enact laws to force everyone to help the poor and disadvantaged. I'll bet you feel pretty good about that, don't you? However, Jesus asked YOU to help them. He did NOT ask you to make everyone else do your job.


When Jesus walked the earth the Pharisees were the religious and social beacons. They knew the written law of God, they studied it, they wrote about it, and they taught it. The Pharisees spoke with the backing of societal norms. In other words, they were politically correct. No one could challenge them without being ostracized and called "sinner!" Jesus exposed them as the hypocrites they were, and was later crucified for that reason.


One of the first rules of my marriage is that I must apologize quickly for my faults. Since my wife's faults are also mine, I must apologize for her faults as well.


A value system is the methodology by which one evaluates experience.


Justice is the triumph of one's value system.


To all men, god is the authority behind their value system.


Love is the persistent, passionate sacrifice for the benefit of another.


A complete liar lives forever rejected and alone. A perfect liar dresses his lies with truth, and is embraced by the entire world.


A conspiracy theory remains only a theory until the conspiracy is successful. Thereafter it's known as heresy.


The First Lie is the truth by which all subsequent truths are measured.


When you write code that can be easily tested, you write code that can be easily used.


The goal of a constitutional republican form of government is to elect representatives by the fair, informed, and willing vote of eligible voters. The responsibility of such a system is to ensure that eligible and only eligible voters have a say in the outcome of the election. It is to ensure that the votes cast were cast willingly, not coerced or pressured. It is to ensure that the voters are well and fairly informed about the voting choices. It is to ensure that the election results are trustworthy. Failure to achieve any of the responsibilities is a failure of the system, a failure of the election.


Those who are ignorant of truth are indistinguishable from beasts. Those who reject truth are indistinguishable from devils.


If I see what you see, but we reach different conclusions, perhaps you don't see what I see?


One of the key differences between a smart person and a wise person is the ability of the wise person to ask penetrating questions.


When truth loses authority barbarism never fails to fill the void.


That God is perfect, on this we can agree. But beware lest ye place Him in a box, for perfection has a way of surprising thee!


Two plus two equals four... unless one objects to four, in which case the possibilities are infinite.


The farther one wanders from the truth, the more unbelievable the truth becomes.


When Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits" the listener is expected to perform the minimum due diligence of determining which fruit came from which tree. After all, if someone handed you a rotten apple and told you it's from a cherry tree, would you cut down the cherry tree?


It's wonderful to meet people with wisdom far beyond their years. Unfortunately, most people have years far beyond their wisdom.


When the fox told you that the rooster ate the hen, did you roast the rooster and invite the fox to dinner?


Fact checkers are modern-day wizards of Oz. They hide behind curtains pretending to be something they're not.


A log floating downstream is entirely unremarkable. A log floating upstream, however, demands one's utmost attention.


Evil hunts in packs.


No truth, no justice. No justice, no mercy.


The deceived are the most willing of slaves.


Know your enemies and your allies. If you know the identities of each, you will win. If you mistake one, you will lose. If you mistake both, you won’t even realize that you’ve lost.


Principles and proverbs exist for a reason. When they are violated for “good reason”, the “good reason" is usually anything but good.


Uninvestigated claims yield no evidence. Unexamined evidence yields no proof.


Question the question.


Justice is tedious. Crucifixion is easy.


Truth is monolithic.


Those who forget the wisdom of the ages become the fools of the moment.


Truth recognized brings happiness.
Truth unrecognized brings missed opportunity.
Deception recognized averts disaster.
Deception unrecognized is peril.
Deception believed to be truth is death.


If you don't know how you got here, you don't know where you are.


The first to leave the room is often distinct from the first to leave the conversation.


A person who makes a good decision makes good decisions often. A person who makes a poor decision makes poor decisions often. This is about discernment. A person who asks questions discerns well. A person who fails to listen discerns poorly. Ask often, listen often.


Ask questions. Or remain a mushroom. It's your choice.


If you can't figure out the truth, at least figure out whom to trust.


The essence of deception is not the lie that was spoken, but the truth that is buried.


Never underestimate the power of a politician to accomplish nothing.


I’m an enthusiastic disciple of Jesus Christ. When He says “I am” I listen.


Those who fear no consequences fear no god.


The best government is that of a wise, benevolent monarch. The worst government is the one that follows after.


Truth and censorship never EVER play on the same team.


My wife used to think I was out of this world. Now she just thinks I’m out to lunch.


Now that you've got what you wanted, do you really want what you've got?


Overwhelm them with idiocy!
-- attributed to Joseph Biden


Being nice: a self-interested conflict-avoidance technique disguised as virtue.


A fine diet of propaganda combined with the perfect darkness of censorship produces the ideal environment for growing the most exquisite mushrooms. And mushrooms ARE on the menu.


A whisper to embrace the lie, a trumpet blast to awaken the sleeper.


For many, it is easier to retreat into the comfort of one's worst nightmare than to face the present reality.


The glory of a miracle lies not in its witnessing, but in discovery of the design by which it occurred.


The grandest mountain is hidden, not by covering the mountain, but by covering the eyes.


'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God'. What is it that proceeds from the mouth of God? Truth. Creation. Life. What is it that proceeds from the mouth of Satan? Deception. Destruction. Death. 'Nuff said?


Repentance is the change you make in your life to become part of the solution after you acknowledge that you have been part of the problem.


Vote simply. Simply vote.
(or you could Vote Amish, as a famous physicist once said)


When you discover that you're going in the wrong direction, do you run faster? Or reverse course? I realize that's a genius-level question, but please try to get it right.


Satan need not lead us to Hell; he need only divert us from Heaven.


How does a culture fail? One deception at a time.


Justice and mercy intersect at only one point: the cross of Jesus.


Those who do not listen neither learn nor love.


The rock and the porcelain teacup had a bash. Only the rock survived
- paraphrasing my affectionately-adopted daughter's maternal grandmother


Complexity is camouflage for chaos.


Even the best military electronic systems, overseen by teams with great expertise, can be hacked, at scale, by a determined adversary. The advantages of centralized control are afforded to both legitimate and illegitimate actors in varying proportions, with the elements of surprise and disguise belonging solely to illegitimate actors.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a dozen times… yes, master!


If you don't know the truth, you are someone's slave.


As creatures created in God's image we have the ability to discern truth. When we forfeit our discernment to the "experts", we have forfeited an attribute of our Godliness.


What God does, He does with eternity in mind.


If a murderer faces no consequences, was anybody killed?


Q: Who wins a religious war?
A: The guy waiting in the wings to pick up all the pieces.

Q: Who starts a religious war?
A: The guy who just finished calculating the value of all the pieces he's going to pick up.


Don't let your moral outrage overwhelm your intellectual integrity.


Jesus never said "Blessed are the ignorant"


Getting duped is embarrassing. Staying duped is a no-brainer.


Who wins the prize for most superstitious? The primitive society, or the advanced one?


Amidst chaos humans willingly sacrifice freedom for security.
Amidst chaos they eagerly believe the unbelievable.
Where are we now?
In chaos.


You cannot claim to serve the poor if you do not also seek the truth.


I'm not "Seeing Things".
You're not "Seeing" things.
Our Conflict.


A highly-polarized society is a well-controlled society.


The evidence of widespread election manipulation is compelling, the consequences of ignoring it are staggering, and the time remaining in which to respond is rapidly approaching zero.


Welcome to the world of censorship and propaganda, where what you don't know will hurt you, and what you think you know will kill you.


Superstition is born of fear and ignorance. It dies in the light of evidence and reason.


Even the lazy lion feasts when the ostrich buries its head in the sand.


If you don't believe election manipulation can happen you won't look for evidence. If you don't know how it's happening you can look straight at the evidence and not realize what you're looking at.


What's worse than being a slave? Answer: being a slave and fighting against those who would free you from your captors.


Knowledge that our elections are subject to powerful manipulation is not the great deep dark secret; this knowledge is the key to the door behind which all the other deep dark secrets are hidden.


The level of freedom you enjoy is directly proportional to the length of your attention span.


If I tell you how much evidence there is of coordinated, nationwide election manipulation you won't believe me because you can't believe that there could possibly be so much evidence. Make sense?


Let's see if I understand this... you support the idea of democracy so long as you think you are in the majority. But when you're in the minority your ideals deserve priority over the majority?


Persistent incompetence is a strategy.


Ignorance and evil are two sides of the same coin.